Meeting Minutes
Sacred Heart Finance Committee
November 21, 2024, 6:30 pm
Present: Sheila Laing, Jim Burbridge, Jen Fehrer, James Rector, Father Remi, Teresa Lahart
Jim opened the meeting at 6:30; Father led us in prayer.
Agenda was presented. October Financial Reports:
Jim did not notice any discrepancies in the October financials. Jen said there was one problem, but it was fixed in November. Sheila asked about all her journal entries for the payroll taxes/withholding's. Jen had them in the wrong categories but has fixed those with Jane. Sheila also asked why there are no budget numbers in the report. Jen has not figured out how to get them into Parish Soft (PS). Just needs time to figure it out. Sheila likes to look at actuals vs budget. We are a third of the way through our fiscal year, so therefore, we should be one third through the budget numbers. But the reports show we are almost at 50% of our estimated income but have only spent a third. Jim noticed that, too.
Sunday collections are up. Have our automatic deposits gone up? No, we are $1300/month. James wondered if it was because the tithes are in the bulletin. We also attribute it to the new processes in place and people are counting before it comes to the office. More accountability. We also have the website and communication is better. People are seeing that, and things have improved.
Father thinks the greeters, etc. are helping, too. We are making a plea to other people to take part. We do need to remind people to be mindful of others praying as mass is getting over.
We think improving the bulletin will be another step in the right direction. Suggestions: color, new format, freshen it up. Jen then presented a new quote for a lease on a color printer through our current lease company, MMIT. The current lease is for 60 months and started in 2021 which started at $72.11/mo. It has increased in the last few years and is currently $97/mo. with 2000 copies included. If we go to color, it would be $123 for the printer and allowed 3000 B&W copies. Above that it is about .01/pg. Color prints are about five cents per page so 1,000/mo. would be $50. We are doing about 3000 prints right now. Mary will not do the bulletin in publisher or anything of that type. So many things we could include with pictures etc. Even chat gpt has many templates. We have had other parishioners that have volunteered to do it, too. Communication and the likeability of the color bulletins is a worthy “investment.” The more people we can get involved, the better. It does not have to be Jen, but Mary can’t/won’t do it. Jim made the motion to go ahead and invest in a new copier with color. We will need to add to the bulletin asking for interest in helping. Teresa seconded the motion. All in favor the motion passed.
Jen updated us on the designated account that we were getting charged a monthly fee. It will be waived going forward. The cemetery has an interest-bearing checking account with no fees. We will talk to Julie and see what we can get changed to benefit us.
Jen also relayed that she had installed an ‘in basket’ in the parish center with slots for the Knights, Activities Committee and WOSH. We had an issue earlier this year when Jen left an envelope for a specific person and told them it was there. Someone else picked it up assuming Jen needed to have it, but it was a day or two before it was turned over to Jen. To avoid future confusion, the in basket was installed.
Paylosity took over payroll November 1. Since we have less than 8 employees the diocese will complete the task for us. Right now, the time clock is not working correctly, and Jen will be asking about that. Storm Financial has been informed they are no longer needed for payroll.
Fall festival income was $11,022 with $9,365 from the auction. Jen also asked Storm Financial if there would be any sales tax due from the auction. We can get around any by applying any funds raised from the auction toward education. Bob will check into it a little more.
Kylie Dittmer is moving and will no longer be cleaning the church. She will continue through November and some of December if we do not have anyone. It will be listed in this weekend’s bulletin we are looking for someone to clean. Comment that if we are happy with the cleaners of the parish center, should we ask them to add it to what they are already doing. Others feel we need to offer it to a parishioner first. What if someone wanted to do it and use that as their tithe (not pay them). Father was not sure that it is an option anymore but will check into it.
Jen said someone had asked for a simplified cash count sheet as the current one is too busy. We may try another form or ask the count teams if they would do something different. We will continue to work on it.
We need someone to cover Kylie’s counting in December and add someone to the finance council. Father needs recommendations. Terms are three years, but in small parishes that does not always apply. We need to think of a few people to recommend to Father as good candidates. It would be nice to have committees in the bulletin as well as on the website.
Jen – Catholic Foundation – Jodi is wanting to advertise for their planned giving. It will be in the bulletin and there is a tab on the website with marketing material and links. The CF would like to host coffee and donuts after mass to spread the word and show what is available. No objections.
Roof repairs. Is this a question for us or B&G? Father – Norm sent it back with everything on his list as important. Father’s suggestion is to look at the leakage areas, prioritize and do one at a time. Start with the bell tower for example (the confessional is bad); then move on to another section. Water is obviously coming in the front. The report didn’t really suggest a recommendation as to what they thought needed to be done. It would cost a lot of money to have someone do a drip test. Father knows people at the diocese that may be able to help us and recommend some companies for us to get estimates from. Parish Council can then look at the bids and decide. Did PC ask for someone to work on the gutters, or assign it for someone to get estimates and then present to finance? James thinks it might be flashing (slightly pulling away from the roof), not just tuck-pointing and will have his guy meet him up here, use James’ drone to see what the flashing looks like. Maybe the guy from McAnich can look at it and see if he has a priority list of what needs to be done first from the report. Father will ask for three bids.
Father has not been able to talk to John Laing about the safety committee and get that going for B&G. James suggested Brian Hoffman as a good candidate with his emergency training background. Sheila – Is the PC getting a quote from Andy McNeish to repair the handicapped sidewalk area or just making suggestions for us as finance to find the bids? Father will ask Randy and Jayneane to suggest people for B&G.
Jen stated we had some memorials come in for Diane Beatty and wants to make sure she is putting it into the right designated account. Jen has also been doing the thank you notes.
Do we have any idea how many keys we have floating around to the church and/or parish center? Father said we do not and are looking forward to changing the locks. Jen has a form that she will be implementing when people ask for keys. James asked what kinds of locks we were putting on. Discussions on kinds of locks and expense.
Jim also noticed a lot of extra cars that should not be parked in the lot outside of mass times. Do we have any policies on this? Don’t want to be unfriendly, but we do not want sued, either. What is our liability for this? See if Catholic Mutual, or Bob from the diocese, have suggestions. Suggestion to put up additional signs as ‘private parking, violators may be towed.’ We want to avoid a lawsuit at all costs.
Jen asked if the cost for students to go to Conception Abbey is covered by the church or should it be a fundraiser? It costs $100 per student. For Confirmation, we feel the church should cover that. If we need additional funds, the Activities Comm, WOSH and KCs may be able to pitch in, too. Jim made a motion pay up to $100 for each confirmation student to go to Conception Abbey. James seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Father led a closing prayer. James made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Teresa seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried and meeting adjourned. Next meeting is February 20, 2025.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Lahart