Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 PM (Sacred Heart)Saturday 6:30 PM (Saint Francis)Sunday 8:00 AM (Saint Brendan)Sunday 10:30 AM (Sacred Heart)Weekdays:
Tuesday 5:30 PM (Sacred Heart)Wednesday 8:30 AM (Sacred Heart)Thursday 9:00 AM (St. Brendan, Nursing Home)Friday 8.30 AM (Sacred Heart)Reconciliation Times
Saturday 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM Sunday following 10:30 AM Mass(Sacred Heart)
Sunday 7:15 AM - 7:45 AM(Saint Brendan)
Reconciliation at St. Francis is available before of after Mass by request.
Also offered by appointment by contacting Fr. Remi Okere at rokere@dmdiocese.org
Sunday 7:15 AM - 7:45 AM(Saint Brendan)
Reconciliation at St. Francis is available before of after Mass by request.
Also offered by appointment by contacting Fr. Remi Okere at rokere@dmdiocese.org
Adoration Times
First Thursday of every month One hour Adoration with Benediction6p.m.-7p.m(Sacred Heart)
Adoration in St. Brendan occurs on the First Sunday of the month from 7:15 to 7:50 AM.
Adoration in St. Brendan occurs on the First Sunday of the month from 7:15 to 7:50 AM.
Receiving the Holy Eucharist
Catholics in the state of grave sin should not receive Holy Communion until after receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Penance. Ordinarily, non-Catholics are not allowed to receive Holy Communion.
For more information on receiving the Eucharist click here.